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Eneco reaches 500 sustainable assets as solar roof at Volvo Group in Ghent starts production

Eneco reaches 500 sustainable assets as solar roof at Volvo Group in Ghent starts production

Eneco reached an important milestone as we now have 500 sustainable assets in operation! This spring we completed the solar rooftop installation at @Volvo Group in Ghent, which was number 500. On the rooftops of the complex, which houses a truck factory and a large distribution center among other things, we installed photovoltaic panels with a combined capacity of more than 5 megawatts.

Our first sustainable asset – in 1991 - was a wind farm in Herkingen on the Dutch island of Goeree-Overflakkee. This asset predates Eneco, since the merger between the communal energy companies of Dordrecht, Rotterdam and the Hague didn’t happen until 1995. The wind farm consisted of 5 turbines that had a combined capacity of 1,25 megawatts. In 2005 we repowered Herkingen I with 3 new, bigger wind turbines which became Herkingen II. That wind farm was decommissioned last month after nearly twenty years of service.

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For a long time we had only a handful of green assets, but considerable growth started in 2005. And in 2008 we built our first offshore wind farm. In 2012 we reached a 100 operational durable assets, three years later we doubled that and in 2017 we were at 300. We passed 400 in 2020.

By now we have we have offshore, onshore and near shore wind farms, solar rooftop installations and solar farms in the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Our 500 assets vary from a couple of turbines to the dozens we have in operation since late last year at the Hollandse Kust Noord wind farm in the North Sea. All our assets combined have a capacity of 2104 megawatts and are very important in our ability to become climate neutral together wit all our customers by 2035. And it doesn’t end here, so onwards to the next 500!



