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Fully powered by renewable energy in 2025: Paradise City Festival's Green Power Plan

Fully powered by renewable energy in 2025: Paradise City Festival's Green Power Plan

Eneco partners with Belgium's greenest music festival

The festival season is almost upon us. With only a few more weeks, Paradise City Festival is eager to share some exciting details of its new Green Action plan. As the greenest music festival in Belgium (and one of the greenest in the world, according to international non-profit organisation A Greener Festival), Paradise City has tracked and evaluated its energy data in great detail every year. Today, we share the details of the ambitious Green Power Plan in close collaboration with Eneco - a critical step towards becoming the first festival in Belgium that runs exclusively on renewable energy by 2025.

The Contrast Stage runs entirely on renewable energy.
The Contrast Stage runs entirely on renewable energy.

Regarding energy consumption in 2022, our partner Audi helped us make our power plan more sustainable with a giant 170m2 solar panel, the largest of its kind at any European event. This enabled us to double the share of solar power to 20%, so we’re excited to have Audi (and its solar panels) on board again this summer. The rest of the used energy was sourced from biofuel (HVO), an excellent solution to minimize carbon emissions. However, it still does have a negative environmental impact during its production.

Sustainable energy pioneer Eneco also supports the Green Power Plan, backing Paradise City to reduce its dependence on biofuels and increase the share of solar energy in total energy consumption from 20% to 50% this summer.Paradise City and Eneco share a common sustainability vision and work together to achieve their long-term green energy plan. As the new energy partner, Eneco will inspire and facilitate Paradise City's move towards gradually becoming a festival that runs on 100% renewable energy by 2025 - a milestone in the Belgian festival scene.

So how will Paradise City achieve this move to 50% solar energy?

First and foremost, it will install over 90 additional solar panels and three battery containers on the island in front of our castle, creating the Eneco Solar Island. This initiative will ramp up the total surface of solar panels to 435m2 and directly power the Contrast Stage and various bars. Furthermore, Eneco's support ensures that the festival's buildup will be fully powered by renewable energy - another first in the Belgian event business.

The partnership between Eneco and Paradise City is a natural one. Since 2007, the energy supplier has been one of the first to focus on sustainability wholeheartedly. As a result, Eneco has set its target on becoming fully climate neutral by 2035 by means of its One Planet Plan.

"We are thrilled we can partner up with an ambitious organisation like Paradise City", says Bert Clinckers, managing director of Eneco Belgium. "Becoming fully sustainable is crucial for our planet and future generations. That is why we support our clients and partners in realising their goals to become carbon neutral. We're in this together."

For more in-depth details on Paradise City's sustainability efforts, check out the green page on our website or come and see our efforts in action on-site. Tickets for the 2023 edition are flying out the door faster every day. Check out the full line-up, camping options and all the other details you need via the website.


Paradise City: June 30, July 1 and 2, 2023, Ribaucourt Castle, Perk, Belgium

Website, full line-up and tickets: www.paradisecity.be

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/paradisecityfestival

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/paradisecityofficial


Paradise City: Gilles De Decker, +32 476 24 58 82, gilles@paradisecity.be

Eneco: Mark Van Hamme, +32 473 468 499, mark.vanhamme@eneco.com

