About Eneco
Eneco Belgium is a sustainable energy company which focuses on the production & supply of energy from renewable sources such as solar and wind. Eneco is a leading company in energy supply & production of renewable energy and one of the biggest player in the production of wind in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom with more than 2000 MW renewable production capacity. Eneco has been active on the Belgian consumer market since 2011 and has the ambition to provide families with 100% durable energy that is produced on Belgian soil through 131 windturbines and almost 400.000 solar panels. The company is also involved in Norther, the biggest offshore wind park in front of the Belgian coast. In total Eneco Belgium provides power & gas to more than 1 million residential connections & 55.000 businesses. Eneco also offers reliable investment opportunities to citizen’s and local communities through divers investment programs by means of crowdfunding, obligations & direct participation through cooperatives. Eneco wants to build a – completely sustainable – energy system and wants to do more than only the production & supplying of sustainable power. The company also focuses on energy-efficiency through insulation projects, offering solar panels, energy-storage, electrical charging stations and other innovative products and services. Eneco Belgium has more than 350 employees and is located in Mechelen, Ghent and Waver.